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September Newsletter

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

iKNOW Politics is a unique platform on women in politics, designed to connect members and build knowledge through discussion forums, the consolidation of expert responses to member queries, interviews, video testimonials, election talks, polls, an online library, calendar of events and daily news. 

Simplenews Discussion Circle
Women mayors, women elected as head of villages, towns and cities
Can young people break the socio-cultural and institutional barriers for women in politics?
Invitation to a Nordic-Arab PhD course on “Comparative studies of women in public life – theoretical and methodological challenges”
Arab Women Leadership Forum to be held in November
NGO Forum Beijing +20
Muhammad Yunus
Ikram Ben Said
Margarita Alonzo
Bolsa Familia and women’s rise
European path to gender-balance in national Parliaments

As of this month iKNOW Politics has opened a platform for online volunteers passionate about women’s political participation (story tellers, students, journalists, politicians, activists and academics) to publish their work! With over 40 volunteers now iKNOW Politics has a growing pool of stories, articles and research work from all over the world. Our contributors have allowed iKNOW Politics to develop a stronger reach to women working at the local level. Take a look at this month’s publications and email us at if you want to join the team!

Ask our Experts

iKNOW Politics works with over 40 experts from all over the world that would be happy to answer your questions. ASK OUR EXPERTS NOW about quotas, political financing, legislation or anything else you would like to know more about!
View consolidated responses to previous inquiries


The events calendar keeps you updated on elections, conferences, workshops and many other events taking place all over the world AND allows you to promote your events on this community calender reaching thousands of users.
